Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Parkinson's disease 1

In 1991, I passed out of school and came to Delhi to study History at Hindu College. It was at this time that my mother started reporting being ill. There were no clear symptoms except for her getting slower in her movements, getting compulsive about her thoughts, thoughts getting muddled, remaining stressed most of the time. As a young person wanting to do things in the world, it confused and angered me. I had no clue that it was probably the beginning of Parkinson's disease that she was afflicted with. We did the rounds , doctors could not comprehend what was happening to her and gave her medications for various different symptoms that she was reporting. Since there were no classic symptoms of Parkinson's disease, there was not even a suggestion that she needed specific Parkinson's related help. In 2001, we discovered that she had Parkinson's disease. That changed a lot of things. We understood things a little better. However, this was more than a decade back. At that point too people thought of Parkinson's as a 'movement disorder'. Even in the medical fraternity that view was prevalent. Nobody warned us about the psychological aspects of the degenerative condition. The family came together and has coped with it, the mother has shown courage and yet it is difficult. For a long time after her diagnosis she worked. She was a school teacher. Recently she had her DBS ( deep brain stimulation) surgery done at AIIMS. It was at this point that we decided to tell our story in Hindi which would become a resource for Parkinson's patients and caregivers. Here are the first few videos.


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