Monday, July 3, 2017

Bond Stories 2

So , one day I am walking out of the assembly hall( which is now the library of the school...this makes me really proud of the school...we are one of those schools where reading habit is cultivated...among all the residential schools that I have seen  ...this is the largest library with a huge collection of books of all kinds...and the library is very accessible and active...I think one of the pointers to good intellectual health of an educational institution...)
Bond catches hold of a few senior kids( SC form as we called it which translates to class XIIth otherwise...these kids were into boxing etc...and they were emerging as a bit of a gang...I am not naming any here because they turned out to be fine gentlemen later but this did happen) and pounces on them...these guys were taken totally by surprise as they were taken on by Bond in front of the whole school. So the dialogue went something like this ...'yes yes my frond...MR .... you too...why don't you come here'
There is this guy saying ...'sir but...!!!' but before he could say anymore Bond whacks him...(yes...he did whack them ...but am sure he knew what he was doing as became clear to me later ..whether he did the right thing or not...we can sit on judgement but I guess he curtailed them from turning into full fledged bullies which helped them too in a way...and also the that one action of his we knew that if any of these guys ever crossed their line with us whom do we go to)Now , this was a bit of a gang of seniors ...but I didn't really care about them because our paths never crossed and they never bothered me. And I never thought anyone on the campus was capable of bullying anyone else( I didn't...that is how safe I felt at the school...later of course I got to know of certain incidents which should not have happened) never did happen to me...I never saw it happening...none of my friends spoke to me about it... so I didn't think bullying existed ...but it did to some extent. However, at this point when I saw this spectacle, I had only thought in mind- 'Keep away from bond!!!' And I kept away.

Now, a year later, as a prefect I had to speak to Bond again about something. I walked up to him. At this point he had an office in the main building of the school- I mean not an office like the Headmaster's office now or anything with secretaries etc but just a room where he could sit and do whatever he needed I entered the room...he looked up at me and I gathered the courage to speak to him about whatever it was...he heard me and then agreed with me !!! To my surprise!!! Now emboldened...I asked him...'sir, if you don't mind, could you tell me why you did something last year!!!' He smiled and said 'yes, yes ...why not my frond!!!' So I asked 'sir, why did you pounce on those guys ...and that too in front of the whole school???' He had a smile on his face as he said 'My frond you think I am a mad man that I would raise my hands on a kid for no good reason!!!' I was silent because that is what I used to think and there was quite a mismatch between that person and the agreeable and fairly gentle senior teacher who I had just spoken to . He continued ' My frond I have been watching these boys!!! Every time there is tuck shop ...they are aalways having a I went and checked their bank accounts and found out that none of them are withdrawing any then how are they buying tuck !!! They are abviously bullying juniors!!! So, I wanted them to know that I can be a bigger bully than them !!! And I wanted the juniors aalso to know that I can be a bigger bully than if they ever bully them the juniors are free to come and talk to me about it!!!' Well, that was clear.

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